You are here: 2. General Ledger > 2.2. Setting up and Configuring MGL > 2.2.1. Setup and Configuration Procedure

Setup and Configuration Procedure

There are many ways to setup your Micronet General Ledger system. Some of the most common structures chosen by Micronet users are discussed in "Common Micronet GL Structures".

This topic offers step-by-step instructions for setting up your Micronet General Ledger. It is important to follow this sequence of events strictly as outlined to ensure the ledger is setup and configured correctly.

  1. Setup your general configuration.

This sets the most fundamental system-wide parameters within the Micronet General Ledger, including the financial year, the period numbers and the types of features available to your users.

Refer to "Edit - General Ledger Config - General Ledger Setup".

  1. Setup all the GL accounts in your Chart of Accounts.

Each GL account in the Chart of Accounts must be setup as an individual, permanent record within the master files of the General Ledger. Each account must be added and configured appropriately to ensure the correct posting and reporting of transactions.

A qualified Micronet consultant can implement and import your Chart of Accounts into the General Ledger from an Excel spreadsheet that encompasses all the relevant fields necessary to ensure that your Chart and subsequent reporting suits the unique needs and requirements of your business.

A standard Chart of Accounts is provided for you to follow under "Standard Micronet Chart of Accounts".

To setup the individual accounts, refer to "File - GL Accounts".

  1. Setup any special (compulsory) accounts.

Special accounts are those GL accounts that are compulsory to the Micronet General Ledger. Micronet selects these GL accounts and displays them as defaults at various areas within the ledger. Special accounts also relate to Profit GL accounts and specify where profit should appear in the Balance Sheet.

Refer to "Edit - Applications - MGL - Special Accounts".

  1. Set starting journal numbers.

Journal numbers are the automatic reference numbers that MGL allocates to each accounting journal that is posted within the Ledger. Micronet allows you to dedicate monthly sequences of journal numbers.

Refer to "Edit - Applications - MGL - Journal Numbers (v2.7)" or "Edit - Applications - MGL - Journal Numbers (v2.8)".

  1. Configure each user, their access and privileges.

You need to set the appropriate settings on the User File Update screen - Main tab, User Access tab, MDS Security tab, and Extra Security tab.

Refer to "Maintenance - Edit User IDs".

  1. Set the default sort order for lists on partial key search screens for each user.

Refer to "Key Search".

  1. Configure the other system defaults.

Refer to "Maintenance - Edit Company".

  1. Setup integration with the Distribution system and Creditors Ledger (GL interface records).

Refer to "Setting up Micronet Integration".